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Hi Solers !! ;)

As you all know , when dealing with long series like Championships , with ability to discard one or more of the worst results , one important strategy is that of being able to identify how direct competitors are likely to discard .

It is very possible in fact that you have better provisional ranking than others , adding up all the scores , but some of the others may well be better off because they are likely to discard “better” . Same applies to each one of us vice versa of course .

One extreme example could be that of a boat that won 4 races and had a DNS in fifth race , showing fairly low in rankings , but if the DNS can be discarded that is a “perfect” discard , and that soler is bound to be 1st in the series rather than whatever else .

SOL server does not have the ability to show simulated rankings with discards , as it accounts for the maximum number of allowed results before discarding the Nth plus 1. When looking at our 2014 Championships , this will happen around mid November. Why ?

Example : Sprint Championship – at the end of October the first 20 races will show as ALL counting . After the first race in November the Server will discard the worst of 21 and so on . That Championship allows 4 discards on 24 races . Similarly The Ocean Championship allows 2 discards on 12 races , as well as the SYC Championship , whilst the Timed races Championship allows 4 on 24 as the Sprint one .


I have worked on a program ( semi manual ;) ) that is able to simulate results with discards after closing races of MAY . ( 10 races for TIMED and SPRINT and 5 races for OCEAN and SYC ), and I am attaching to this thread the relevant situation files .

I want you to note the following important items :

--- For fairness purposes I will say that these rankings are “ UNOFFICIAL” as we live in a “server regulated” environment , BUT , I can assure you that nothing is perfect around us , and therefore we shall consider these files also an opportunity to “ check “ on our friendly server !! LOL
( Of course also my files are to be included in the definition of imperfection !! ;) )

--- Should anyone of you find any discrepancy with server or own information , please post a note here under and I assure you they will all be replied and taken care of . I consider this a strive to do things together for the good of SOL.

--- I will update the file at the end of each monthly racing for each of the four Championships ( EG : Sprint after race 12 in June …….SYC after race 6 in June ..and so on …..)

Comments welcomed ……;)

Enjoy the competitions !!!!


--- Last Edited by WIN at 2014-11-19 14:16:23 ---

--- Last Edited by WIN at 2014-12-10 16:15:44 ---
I am doing better than I would have thought!! :-)

What a neat set of stats.
Win and thats really great thankyou so much and so much work as well. As an aside wow I am more than happy with my results and overall standing so far. Thankyou
Pocket Rocket
Thanks so much....I too am doing a little better than I thought. :-)
Thank you Piero, these stats are great. I love to keep an eye on series.
Thanks Piero, this is excellent. I've been calculating the discards in my head, but it seems quite difficult to keep track of a number of boats.

One minor suggestion, maybe you could adjust this so that the number of discards depends on how many races have taken place? E.g. in the timed series, you have a total 4 discards out of 24 races, so after 6 races you should discard one, after 12 you should discard two and so forth.

Regardless, this is a very helpful initiative;)
My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I'm right.

I have been mumbling about the same for long before implementation . Although it has logical value , I think the real strategy on series is not so much to see how I stand NOW , but to have complete polaroid picture of how my competitors discard ( fully and theoretically) at any given point . Doing always better than the 4 discards actually manages to keep ranking position or better one.

So .....both methodologies are correct ...actually it could be good idea to use them both ...BUT ...perhaps a bit heavy and confusing ....I am ready to implement your idea any time though ....;)

Ciao and ....THANKS !!!! ;)

Hi Solers !!

I have just uploaded the SPRINT Championship results accounting for discards after race 20 , and I am very happy to say that unless my eyes and my maths are mistaken :

RAFA is the happy winner of the 2014 SPRINT Championship and CUP !!

Fierce battle is on for the silver and bronze medals !

I want to be the first one to congratulate myself with Juan !!!! ...no doubts it is fully deserved !!!!

ciao ALL


--- Last Edited by WIN at 2014-10-29 21:41:20 ---
I have just uploaded the stuation of SYC Championship after race 11 ( one only to complete the series ).

It seems that a big fight is ON between nacrr and rumskib for the silver and bronze medals !!!

Although the numbers give them some confort , I must say that the maths for podium are not yet completed . The last race will tell !!

ciao ALL

I have just uploaded the situation of SPRINT Championship after race 22 ( only 2 left ).

As mentioned earlier the Cup is definitly in rafa's hands , but there is a big fight for podium and medals , with iomkiwi and Maestro Svein presently with an edge on at least another 6 boats .

The two December Sprints will be thrillers !!

ciao ALL


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Lake Victoria Sprint 2024

Welcome to Lake Victoria, home of the final sprint of Q4 and 2024. This Saturday we will sail our Lasers from Kaazi to Entebbe - 18 odd English miles in a cooling breeze, however slight it might be. Friends there will host an end of year BBQ of Luwombo, Muchomo, Matoke, and other delicacies. We will all sleep well after that. Now that the year is done relax and take in some sights like the Botanical Gardens and National Zoo. Enjoy the holidays and rest, 2025 sprints are a month away.
Race #1873
INFOby brainaid.de
ILCA_7 Particulars
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Race starts: Dec 07th 21:00 Registration Closed
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Christmas(W) to Christmas(E) Island 2024

Two waypoints, start and finish, and between them 5827 NM of two oceans. Not much time if we want to sit at the Christmas Eve table. You will need to maintain an average speed of over 10 knots, so prepare your 90ft well and choose the best of the many possible routes. Hands up everyone who knew there were TWO Christmas Islands?! OK, maybe you have sailed this Sailonline course before... but it's time to get ready for the 2024 challenge of a reversed race, starting in the Indian Ocean, racing to the Christmas Island in the Pacific! It also marks the conclusion of our prestigious Ocean Race Championship 2024. Please have fun! Fair winds!
Race #1868
INFO by brainaid.de
90ft Monohull PARTICULARS
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: OCQ4 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC
Race starts: Dec 02nd 11:00 Registration Closed
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SYC Ranking

  1. Sailonline Yacht Club Member WRmirekd
  2. Sailonline Yacht Club Member FreyjaUSA
  3. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Vida_Maldita
  4. Sailonline Yacht Club Member CriticalHippo
  5. Sailonline Yacht Club Member rafa
  6. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Kipper1258
  7. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Satori
  8. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Sax747
  9. Sailonline Yacht Club Member CollegeFund
  10. Sailonline Yacht Club Member BRENTGRAY

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