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Board » General Discussion » Objection to the potted history of the Shetlands

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This is a discussion which is better ended. It goes nowhere, becomes more heated as more is said, and contributes nothing to SOL.

--- Last Edited by Rod at 2015-03-23 05:50:33 ---
If it breaks, it's not strong enough--if it doesn't, it's too heavy.
"a discussion which is better ended"

Yes, let's silence the people, and not let them talk about anything other than inconsequential tittle-tattle. Let's just give the ministry of truth a free ride all the time. That way we won't have to think.
Easy solution, Rod...don't read stuff you're not interested in.

"It goes nowhere,"

I disagree. The future of Scotland is very important to me and my relatives , not just in Scotland, but around the world.
Certainly it won't affect you, Rod, but that is no reason for suppressing free speech.

"becomes more heated as more is said,"

You exaggerate. Both Tyger and myself have aired our differences with remarkable restraint on both sides.
Which monastic order do you belong to? Do they let you out and about from time to time?

"contributes nothing to SOL."

Well, perhaps SOL should mind its own business when it comes to publishing a false narrative of the history and currently-sensitive politics of my own country......
It was probably done with the best of intentions, but was inaccurate.
Mistakes need correcting . Do they not?
My Mother was a Balfour, from the Lowlands. My Dad was from a family which lived just south of the Scottish border in Northumberland. I spent part of my youth within sight of Mt. Cheviot (right on the border) and Bamborough Castle. I do understand where much of the problem is based, but SOL really isn't the place to discuss it, no matter how amiably. I now live in Canada, where we have much the same problem between French Quebec and English Canada, and SOL is not the place to discuss that, either.
History has left almost every place in the world with some friction or conflict between peoples who were placed together whether they liked it or not. I sincerely hope that these conflicts will fade away and leave humanity united in progress towards a better world.
If it breaks, it's not strong enough--if it doesn't, it's too heavy.
"but SOL really isn't the place to discuss it,"

In your humble opinion.
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the title of this division of the forum.....
"General Discussion"
What is your definition of 'general'?
Even then I tried to impart some nautical lore about Norwegian and Scottish ships and the problems they face in the west and north of Scotland.

"have much the same problem between French Quebec and English Canada,"

They are nothing like the same.
Quebec has no defensible borders, a substantial indigenous population and no history of having existed as an independent nation.
While Scotland has existed for 1,200 yrs , 900 of which as a fully independent, self-governing nation. Every European nation of import, and Russia, has records of dealings with Scots and Scotland in their archives.

"I sincerely hope that these conflicts will fade away and leave humanity united in progress towards a better world."

Yes, all very nicey- nicey. Now, can we sober up and deal with the real world as we find it, without drifting off wistfully into never-never, La- La land, dripping sentiment from every pore?
This section of the forum is for "General discussion about sailonline.org". Sailonline does not offer a place to discuss things like political issues.

AWoL said: "Well, perhaps SOL should mind its own business when it comes to publishing a false narrative of the history and currently-sensitive politics of my own country......"

This is exactly what this discussion should be about. The cause of this thread is the contents of this blog post. Sailonline should avoid taking sides in an active debate, and stick to an internationally accepted story, if there is one.

So, the questions to be answered: Is there an internationally accepted version of Scotlands history? and does the blogpost conflict with this version?

The question "which version is correct?", although very important, has nothing to do with sailonline. Sailonline does not educate people in history, it educates people in navigation on oceans of our planet.
"Sailonline should avoid taking sides"

And that, it could have easily done by simply adding.....This is the official English history, (which rudely calls itself British history, without ever bothering to ask for any authoritative Scottish input) and with which some nationalistic , rebellious, disruptive elements might disagree.

A lot of it is sheer, twisted ,anti-Scottish propaganda and it's time it was called to account.

What you're arguing for, Kroppyer, is the right to believe in fairy stories and English propaganda.See my note about the SNP increasing their membership in Shetland by 500%.
Some viking colony! What a load of baloney.

"stick to an internationally accepted story,"

Hearken to this from Mr High and Mighty..... a plea for an internationally recognised 'Ministry of Truth'.
"You will believe our stories.......lock, stock and barrel.....or else!"
Pity you didn't meet Lenin or Trotsky. You would have hit it off with them...... 100%.

" Is there an internationally accepted version of Scotlands history?"

Is there an internationally accepted version of Dutch history?
I can hardly believe this. This is like a return to the middle ages.
I am surprised that I haven't been summonsed to a court of law, tried and then burnt at the stake.

"Sailonline does not educate people in history, it educates people in navigation on oceans of our planet."

In Kroppyer's world, there is a little box with history in it and a separate one with ocean navigation in it.....and the two never meet. Possibly true, thanks to control- freaks like you.
Interestingly, the archaeologists and historians don't understand the capabilties of boats, sailing and navigation, and the sailors are re-living history and missing tons of useful information, but don't know it.

"He who knows nothing of history remains forever a child"...Cicero.(famous Roman poet, philosopher).
Kroppyer wants to remain forever a child...and wants everyone else in the same boat.

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