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Board » In memoriam » RIP Yachtyakka - Steve Alloway

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Post annotated by RainbowChaser :
This thread was moved from the category General Discussion.

It is with sorrow that I have to tell you that NZL_Yachtyakka has slipped his mooring for the last time and headed off into the big blue.

Many of you will know he had been diagnosed with cancer last year and had had major surgery and underwent treatments.

In typical Yakka fashion he threw himself into the business of recovery with energy, enthusiasm and a brilliantly open mind. Sadly, this was not to be enough and having last seen comms in Facebook from him last week, I have heard that Steve died in the early hours of this morning at his home on Waiheke Island.

This is what I wrote in Facebook:

RIP my dear Yakka ... you were one of the first Kiwis I met when I started virtually racing on Sailonline.org and your wonderful enthusiasm fast led to Waiheke becoming our practice racing NZ home. You have always brought a marvellous energy, fun and enthusiasm to whatever you did, I am sad i wasn't well enough to meet you when you "did Europe" a couple of years ago. You may have sailed off into your next adventure, but you will never be forgotten. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{BIG HUGS TO ALLOWAY FAMILY}}}}}


--- Last Edited by RainbowChaser at 2016-06-11 20:10:01 ---
Well, my only consolation is that I seem to be on the same course - I miss you and Rip
Sad news.. Fair winds and farewell Steve/Yakka
POSTED ON FB BY YAKKA's daughter (I have permission to share):

My dad, Steve Alloway, died in the early hours of Saturday morning. He battled this horrible disease right to the end, insisting on getting up and getting on with it. One of the last things he said to me was "jessica, dont bullshit a bullshitter". It is heartbreaking that he has left us at 57 years old and with lots more yachting to do and his big building project at home to complete. Dad was surrounded by us three girls, his baby sister and one of his dearest friends. He died peacefully sleeping next to mum and is no doubt testing out his new sails on Beep Beep. We love you dad and you will be forever in our hearts. Dad will be at home with us till his service which will also be here at home on Waiheke at 11am Tuesday 14th June. Friends of the street will be available for ferry pickups. If you need our address in Onetangi please private message me. Sail on dad Xx
Those of you who know me well also know that these news find me …..speechless ….
Firstly disbelief ..and then anger takes over and wins by far…then need to find a breakthrough …and fast !!

Been thinking a lot of the guy who sent me with enthusiasm an article containing an interview he made. It was August of 2009 , almost seven years ago , and Yakka interviewed famous and unbeatable Brainaid immediately after one race ( Dieppe ) when he finished “only ” second…..and thinking of that big gift Steve made to me ( almost unknown at that time in SOL ) , I finally got the grip on the breakthrough…….: it is ALL about ….” Fighting “.

Being a yachtsman he learned that in life as well as on the sea neither winning nor participating is the key…....the key is "Fighting"....fighting through with passion , convincement and determination till the finish line . Those who can only win do not accept a defeat ….those who always fight always win , even when they lose . Why ? …because on the finish line the hats of the true yachtsman always go off to salute a generous , relentless , tireless …..fighter .

The words of Steve’s daughter are telling us the kind of high quality fight he did put on till the finish line ….and make ALL our hats to go off as one .

Hurray Steve ! …and thank you for showing us the only possible way to win.

A SOL race will start shortly , and it will be 0100 am here at the other end of the world .

WIN will virtually fly your flag in this race as gesture of respect and friendship.

Yakka, friend, man,

my dearest wishes from on bord DYNE GER 3536.

I once provide pre race weather to you and fellows on Outrageous and you had the "perfect storm" on your way back...

You are so full of sailing spirit, I learned so much from you.

We shared so many a night.

You knew how to party, and Mount Gay was one of your favourite rums. We had some on board and poured a bit for your into the big blue. The great amaze came from the photo plancton giving a big, and it was really big, big big explosion of sparcles to the rum. What a never before experienced joy.

The ocean seems to still remember you, Yakka.

You must be closer to here, now you are below sea level over in NZL...

All my love and thoughts to you and your family.

This is brainaid, from abord SY DYNE, http://dyne.hamburg.

Farewell, my friend.
The sea is lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to sail before I sleep, And miles to sail before I sleep.
Cheers Yakka
Very sad news. I sailed with Steve for a few years and he introduced me to SOL. He was always ready with an opinion and was a great sailor. Cheers mate.
Sad to lose another SOLer. RIP Yakka,

Fair winds, and peace to your family in this time.

What a sad news. :(

We often ended up on nearby BBQ's. He because of his nightsleep and me because i got sidetracked... so he was one of the first SOLers i got to know and one of the very few on Facebook, where he kept me update with Kiwi Sailing.

RIP Steve, fair Winds and following Seas, whereever you may sail now.

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0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
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