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I'm a many Players virtual skipper and that's the second race I do on sailonline. I have some suggestions :
the game is really well made. especially the maps are amazingly precise and the winds too. The constant evolution of the winds is more realistic.
Interface is not easy at the beginning (especially for someone who doesn't speak english) but, after reading the PDF, everything becomes easier and I consider the interface very good.
What lacks the game?
Better colors. The colors are really, really horrible. And colors are never the same (why?). The sea should be blue and the continents not that horrible green. It's much more than a minor detail.
What makes the success of MP : simple, beautiful and convivial.
The public chat is good but you should have a private chat, like MP.
Sometimes you have some graphical bugs : horizontal lines appear on the map, especialy when zooming.
Choice of the sails would add some difficulty, and some pleasure.
You made the choice of putting every ship on the map. Sometimes it's to much. A system of favourites could be a good idea. You could display no boat, your favourites, all the boats.
And last thing : is the wheather the real actual wheather? A good idea, to avoid people of using routing softwares, would to have a different meteo of actual meteo. Real, but from last year, for example.
I feel a great potential in your game and I think it could be the better with some minor improvements.
Thank you. We listen and will try to improve :-)
...one of the guys behind the game...
More Keyboard Control
I think the keyboard control of the forecast slider is great and have started using it more. But I have noticed that it requires clicking on before you can control it with the keyboard if you have used one of the 3 nav tools (since using the keys), and I think this should not be required, ie that no matter what the mouse is doing or has done, the keys always move the slider (as I coder I can't even think of why the mouse would effect things unless it was coded to only activate the keys when slider was clicked or something?).

Also I have noted, that when using the keyboard control, if I position the mouse over a certain point on the map (cos I want to see the changes that will occur with time @that point), with each change of time, you need to move the mouse to trigger some mouse event (other than click) for the data for that point (eg tws@twd) to update. It would be great if the data, at the top right would refresh with the changing forecast slider automatically.
It would be very useful (I think) to be able to park the crosshair at over point of interest on the map, then use the keyboard to increment ahead in time and see exactly the changes in conditions at that point without having to touch the mouse to refresh the display.

As a side note, maybe more keyboard command 'shortcuts' could be useful, for example:

* Keys to activate the nav controls, say ctrl-R for the ruler, ctrl-S for the steer tool and ctrl-C for the 'centre on my boat' tool. And the arrow keys would then control the ruler or steering when chosen (Enter sending a steering change command & the equivelent of clicking with the ruler tool)
*Maybe keys for the zoom level, + for in * - for out?
*Some way to move the Map, perhaps Ctrl-{arrox}.
*And arrow key control of the Map or Steer/Ruler tools could be grained dependent upon the zoom level.

Maybe I'm an old school geek who is used to command prompts and scripts, but I think this could be a valuable edition. (Most GUI software still provides a 'mouseless' way to use its features?)

And possibly the keyboard could provide more accurate control, especially at the higher zoom levels?

--- Last Edited by Aaron Gage at 2009-05-25 14:24:36 ---
I help develop the client interface for the best online ocean racing sim there is... __/)/)_/)__
I'm with Aaron on the weather slider control. It really is a bother to have to reclick on the weather slider after using the dividers or checking delays.
Thank you Aaron for you constructive ideas, we will have a good look at them and see what we can implement.

--- Last Edited by Jeroen Tiel at 2009-06-10 09:06:36 ---
I am a ex-admin of SOL who joins in from time to time.
It would be great to have an downloadable client without the need of an browser. And of course am I missing the windows mobile client :-)
Conyo here, steering for shearwater in the first part of the Transat while he is on vacation. Any chance of making the race viewer have a name at the top? Otherwise I am searching for who is who when 2 screens are open, or going back to the main page to find out what name I am logged in under. Don't want him beating me up because I have done something crazy with his boat intead of my own... thanks.
Sure, it is on my to-do list.
...one of the guys behind the game...
Done :-)
...one of the guys behind the game...

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Africa by Sea 2025 - Port Said to Tangier

Back in the 7th C BCE, pharaoh Necho II may have commissioned Phoenician sailors to explore south down the Red Sea and if possible return north via the Straits of Gibraltar. Herodotus was inclined to dismiss the story as it included reports of the sun standing in the north, which had to be nonsense. Silly old Herodotus, but who cares, 2800 years later we will repeat the feat, but we’ll go the other way round, and not in a galley but in different modern sailing yachts, beginning with the comfort of an IY 14.98 for the first leg of 1900nm from Port Said to Tangier.
Race #1854
INFOby brainaid.de
Italia 14.98 PARTICULARS
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Ranking: SYC - ABC
Race starts: Jan 22nd 17:00 Registration Open!
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Aden to Goa 2025

Europeans are primarily acquainted with the historical narrative of how spices reached their continent from distant regions. However, the spice trade from Goa to Aden predates the modern era, as detailed in this article. Sailonline is now reversing this route, organizing an eastbound yacht race of approximately 1700 nautical miles across the Arabian Sea for our 21st-century Archer 78 yachts. Wishing you fair winds and may the enticing aroma of spices guide you safely to your destination!
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INFO from brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Race starts: Jan 20th 17:00 Registration Open!
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Lake Namtso Ice Race

To kick off our annual Ice Yachting Series, we will travel to Tibet and to one of the World’s highest lakes, Namtso, the “Heavenly Lake”, at an altitude of 4720m. Just fly to Gonggar Airport via Kathmandu, and get a taxi to Lhasa where the Dali Lama lives, then hire a truck with guide to take you and your DN and gear a further 200km north across the Nyenchen Tanglha mountains to Xianga where a 95nm triangle will be beaconed out on the ice for your enjoyment. Although like most of the Tibetan lakes, Namtso is a saline sump with no outflows, rest assured it is bitter cold there and ice is guaranteed. Mind the monks, you’ve no PL!
Race #1850
INFOby brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: DN - SYC
RACE CLOSE: Thursday,
January 23 at 2300 UTC.
Race starts: Jan 19th 09:00 Registration Open!
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Vendee Home - Cape Horn to Olon 2025

Welcome to our 2025 Ocean Race Championships starting off with the classic 6900nm drag race from Cape Horn back to the coast of Brittany leading or following the boats of the Vendee Globe fleet. A new polar from the board of the BNH Design Partnership is being made available to you for this one, in the hope that aboard her you too will be able to cover 600nm in a day when the conditions are right! It's winter outside, so like the IRL sailors, enjoy and stay inside!
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INFO by brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: OCQ1 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC
Race starts: Jan 06th 11:00 Registration Closed
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  1. Sailonline Yacht Club Member WRmirekd
  2. Sailonline Yacht Club Member CriticalHippo
  3. Sailonline Yacht Club Member vida
  4. Sailonline Yacht Club Member FreyjaUSA
  5. Sailonline Yacht Club Member rafa
  6. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Satori
  7. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Kipper1258
  8. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Sax747
  9. Sailonline Yacht Club Member CollegeFund
  10. Sailonline Yacht Club Member BRENTGRAY

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