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Board » Flag Officers » Races » Agage Around Australia Series: Leg1 - Adelaide to Melbourne

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A3 Series Leg1: Adelaide to Melbourne
A 468 NM race across the south east corner of mainland Australia. This area is the confluence of three weather patterns: an icy cold blast from the south west off Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, south east from the Tasman Sea and north west off the hot deserts of central Australia. Weather systems move west to east and Melbourne usually gets Adelaide's weather 2 days later. Be prepared to experience all weather systems during the race.

AGage gave us his race, Agage's Tour Downunder. Our gift to his memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 1 of the series. Starting off his club in suburban Adelaide and finishing in Melbourne's Port Phillip just off Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron. AGage sailed an Aust Lightweight Sharpie, an evolution of the 12 sq mtr Sharpie last seen in the Olympic Games in 1956 in Melbourne. RMYS was the yachting HQ for the 1956 games.

Course summary: Adelaide - Melbourne
Boats: TP52
Distance: 468 NM
Estimated duration: 3 days, depending on weather
Race type: Week

Starting on Tuesday 25 September @2200 UTC - which is 0730 CST in Adelaide on Aaron's birthday (26 September).

Do this one for Aaron


--- Last Edited by RainbowChaser at 2012-09-21 11:00:54 ---
“We may have arrived on different ships, but we are all in the same boat now!” Martin Luther King Jr.
Here is a message received from Aaron's Family

Dearest admin and all Solers,

Your tributes to Aaron have been unbelievable in number and in content. I cannot begin to tell you the effect they have had on Aaron's family. It is with such love and pride that we read them.

Now to the Race. Thankyou to all those who have spend their valuable time setting up this race in Tribute to Aaron. He would have been totally humbled by all your work, but very excited to see this race around his beloved Australia, starting at his home club and starting on his birthday. What a tribute to our beautiful son, father, brother, uncle and dedicated Soler.

We will be watching the race with sad but overflowing hearts to all who made it possible and to all those who sail in it.

Fair Winds Solers and may you enjoy every moment of this very special race.

We love you all,

The family of Aaron Gage

--- Last Edited by RainbowChaser at 2012-09-25 13:28:12 ---
Yes, thanks to all involved... My course is set and I'll be ready to start
I like to talk a lot... sometimes I even make sense, mostly not...
I'm a really mad dog.
Thinking of Aaron, i get tears in my eyes.
Howdy Aaron !
querido agage te hablo en presente por que siento que estas con nosotros y por ello esta regata la correré con la alegría de saber que no estas viendo un abrazo agage desde españa
I still feel sadness in my heart, I'm still looking at virtulales seas. But I know you're with us all a big hug agage.

aun siento tristeza en mi interior , aun te sigo buscando en los mares virtulales. Pero se que estas con todos nosotros un fuerte abrazo agage
ITA 4 Aaron is a teamboat.

On board are:
Andrea (ita10267),
Piero (WINSTON_4),
Gilberto (Gilles) &
Antonio (ghibli).

Sailing together to honor AGage,
their dearly departed friend.
None so blind
Happy birthday, Aaron! Fair winds and calm seas for you.
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag , Aaron !

Fair winds and following seas...

Agage alla donde estes puedes estar orgulloso porque has dejado huella en mucha gente y siempre viviras en nuestros corazones !!!!
Para tu familia todo mi cariño y apoyo ! Rezaré por ellos , que Dios les bendiga !

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